Bad Behavior

Bad behavior is a police blotter’s stock in trade.  But the people responsible: do they think they’re behaving badly?  Or simply that an obtuse world doesn’t understand their needs?

Opinions vary; I have mine.  But as for you, enjoy.

“Admiring the lake”
he, was, with his nose pressed to
the neighbor’s window.

He tried to break in
by squeezing through the cat door.
Only works for cats.

As they’d broken up,
he saw no reason not to
max out her charge cards.

His nude manliness,
Displayed for the girls next door,
Incited no lust.

“Suspended license.”
Doesn’t mean you can’t drive, just…
That you’d better not.

“Intruders!” he cried.
“No, we’re TPing your house!”
He could live with that.